Luckily, technology has allowed us to easily match unknown fingerprints left behind at crime scenes to those of many known criminals. Each person could have all of one of the pattern types on each finger or a mix of all three. No two fingerprints are exactly the same, even for identical twins. Just imagine, back in the day, fingerprint experts had to sit and make note of every single little characteristic of each fingerprint in order to get an accurate comparison. Each ridge ending, dot, lake, bridge, bifurcation, etc. of each fingerprint is unique to that fingerprint only. Since there are only three main types of fingerprint patters, it’s the minutiae of each individual fingerprint that makes each one unique. Plain arches have a wave like pattern while tented arches show a sharp spike at the center of the arch. There are two types of arches plain arches and tented arches. The ridges of arch fingerprints enter from one side of the finger and exit through the other and contain no deltas.

The least common of three fingerprint patters are called arches.

Any whorl that does not fit the description of the first three types is known as an accidental whorl. Double loop whorls occurs when two loops are formed to make a whorl. A central pocket loop whorl is similar to a plain whorl except if you draw an imaginary line between the two deltas it will not touch a whorl ridge. Plain whorls make a complete circuit where you are able to draw an imaginary line between the two deltas that touches a whorl ridge. Whorls contain two deltas and there are four subcategories.
A whorl pattern consists of a series of circles inside each other. The second most common fingerprint pattern is the whorl. If the loop pattern flows in from the thumb side than it is a radial loop while if it flows in from the pinky side than it is an ulnar loop. There are two subcategories of loops known as ulnar loops and radial loops. A delta is when the ridges of the fingerprint pattern form together to make a triangle shape.

Loops flow in on one side of the finger, loop around, and exit on the same side of the finger that the patter entered on. Loops are the most common of the three and make up about 70% of all fingerprints. To start, there are three main types of fingerprint patterns, Loops, Whorls, and Arches. Although analyzing fingerprints seems like a simple task, they are actually very complex pieces of evidence. If a person who was previously convicted of a crime commits another offense and leaves behind a fingerprint, even just a partial print, AFIS would be able to match that print with their prints already in the system. AFIS stands for the Automated Fingerprint Identification System and works by comparing an unknown fingerprint to those of 70 million known criminals.
This paper aims present the implementation of a fingerprint recognition system based only on bifurcation minutiaes and singularities to create a template, the template obtained is stored and used on recognition and verification tasks the evaluation of the proposed system shows that using the bifurcation minutiaes the system provides high results and a good performance, the results were obtained in recognition and verification ways and the processing time was measured via an user interface.With today’s technology, determining the individual who left behind a fingerprint can be as easy as scanning the fingerprint in question into a computer and finding a match. This paper aims present the implementation of a fingerprint recognition system based only on bifurcation minutiaes and singularities to create a template, the template obtained is stored and used on recognition and verification tasks the evaluation of the proposed system shows that using the bifurcation minutiaes the system provides high results and a good performance, the results were obtained in recognition and verification ways and the processing time was measured via an user interface.ĪB - Nowadays, fingerprint is the biometric more implemented to authentication and recognition of people for governmental and private purposes. N2 - Nowadays, fingerprint is the biometric more implemented to authentication and recognition of people for governmental and private purposes. T1 - Fingerprint recognition system based on bifurcation minutiaes